Shimano Stradic SW (Nyhet 2025)

kr 3 499,00

Beskrivelse kopiert fra Shimano

"The Stradic SW, which has been able to conquer the harsh salt scene with power, toughness, and waterproof performance comparable to higher-end models, has evolved to put the right person in the right place for each product.The 4000 Size is based on the highly rated 23 Stradic, and incorporates Infinity Cross, Infinity Drive, and anti-twist fins to improve gear durability and suppress line troubles, making it even more user-friendly. Each model from 5000 to 10000 size is equipped with an X tough drag, which improves specifications with durability, heat dissipation, and maximum drag force. It is designed with a view to fighting heavy weight lures and large fish. Moreover 5000 and 6000 size eliminate the conventional bail auto-return mechanism to shut out trouble when casting. With performance that exceeds its class, a total of 8 items have been narrowed down to create a series that is more suitable for actual combat."

Item Gear Ratio Max Drag kg Weigth Mono Cappacity PE Cappacity cm per crank BB
4000XG 6,2 11 300 0.30-180, 0.35-130 1-490, 1.5-320, 2-240 101 6/'1
5000XG 6,2 13 440 0.33-200, 0.37-150, 0.405-130 2-350, 3-240, 4-170 105 6/'1
6000PG 4,6 13 450 0.33-240, 0.37-190, 0.405-160 2-440, 3-300, 4-210 83 6/'1
6000HG 5,7 13 450 0.33-240, 0.37-190, 0.405-160 2-440, 3-300, 4-210 103 6/'1
6000XG 6,2 13 450 0.33-240, 0.37-190, 0.405-160 2-440, 3-300, 4-210 112 6/'1
8000PG 4,9 16 670 0.37-275, 0.405-230, 0.47-160 3-410, 4-300, 5-250 94 6/'1
8000HG 5,6 16 665 0.37-275, 0.405-230, 0.47-160 3-410, 4-300, 5-250 107 6/'1
10000HG 5,6 15 675 0.405-300, 0.47-210, 0.52-160 4-400, 5-300, 6-250 116 6/'1